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      Friday, January 06, 2017

mrs. crankypants
02:30 PM - 01/06/2017

The topic: Exploding washing machine?

We got one.

Back in the laundry room. Yep, we've got one of those magical, exploding Samsung washing machines. The ones that were recalled back in November. 

I know I've probably complained about what a piece of shit I think it is. It's a high efficiency top loading machine. Using most of the settings, the water level isn't high enough to cover the clothing. So, I use the bedding setting. And I use the second rinse setting. I shouldn't have to do this, but if I don't, the clothes do not get clean. Doesn't matter how full the load is.

When I wash sheets and hang them out, there's still dirt in the areas that wrinkled up in the tub when it was in spin cycle. I hate it. I know if I ran the dryer, some of this would disappear, but it shouldn't be there in the first place. Before I got married and didn't have a dryer, I never experienced this. The clothes were always clean when I hung them up.

Before the problem of the washer exploding became public knowledge, I had come to the conclusion that I would never again own a top loading machine that didn't have an agitator. I don't care how much more I can get in a machine without one, I'd rather have clean laundry. We've been discussing getting a new washer and dryer. A washer with an agitator and a dryer that runs on gas, not electricity.  Gas is a cheaper form of energy here. Not that I'd stop line drying, I love line drying. And the laundry actually dries quicker when it's warm out than in the dryer. But I found out a couple of weeks ago, that when it's cool and cloudy, clothes don't dry.  They're still damp when the sun goes down.

So, gas dryer.

Anyway, last week I got this packet from Samsung. In it were some fixes for the exploding washing machine. New labels.


What used to be "NORMAL" is now "NORMAL/NO BEDDING".

What used to be "BEDDING" is now "DENIM/JEANS".

What used to be "WATERPROOF" is now "WATERPROOF/BEDDING".

That's it. The extent of the "fix".

Well, my end, anyway. Then we're supposed to call for a techician, who will come out to the house and install some sort of stabilizer. But those settings still stand for washing.

I just did a load of pet bedding. I used the new bedding setting. You cannot set the spin cycle to anything above "low". Oh, yeah, that's really a good thing. I found that out.

When I hung the little pads on the line, they were still wet. I'm serious. I could squeeze the bottom of them and water dripped. I can imagine what a nightmare this will be with a king sized comforter off of the bed. Damn, will I even be able to get the thing out of the machine because it will still be heavy with water? 

So....I pulled out that packet thingy and went to the webpage they give you. I can't use this machine. I've been using it for three years now and using their new guidelines, I cannot use this machine. I check on how to get the refund.

If we buy a new Samsung, we'd get a $341.00 refund on the purchase price. If we buy a machine from a different manufacturer, we get $241.00 back.

I haven't been able to find a Samsung on the Lowe's website with an agitator. Oh, well.

On the form I filled out with our address and model, there was a place for notes. I filled that out.

"I have the home kit.  I just did a load of pet bedding under the new guidelines. I line dry laundry.  The bedding was STILL DRIPPING WET when I hung it up. I line dry because we have an electric dryer and our utility bill skyrockets when I use it. Obviously,  having to use the dryer with your new guidelines would cost us even MORE.

Good job, Samsung. Good job."

      Tuesday, January 10, 2017

03:46 PM - 01/10/2017

The topic: Back from the vet with Pete

Pete hasn't been feeling well for the past month or so. We were so caught up with Bernie that we didn't really pay much attention to Pete.

His breathing got loud. I didn't pay much attention to it because when he was asleep, everything was normal. Well, last week it continued while he slept.

And he's had really runny poop for a while now. I started him on Forti Flora, which has helped and have been making sure he had food besides fish flavored (since fish is a problem for some cats).

Anyway, concerned about his breathing (sometimes he was even mouth breathing this past weekend), I called the vet's office and made an appointment for him.

Since we didn't know if it was something treatable or something that couldn't be fixed, Brian went with me. In case we had to say goodbye.

The vet said it sounded to her like pneumonia. She took him into the back, he had blood drawn and he had a couple of x-rays. And with meds, Pete should get better.

He does have pneumonia, he has pancreatitis and he has an upper respiratory infection. He was also dehydrated, so he got fluids while he was there and if he doesn't seem to be drinking enough, I can supplement the fluids.

He's on doxycycline and enrofloxacin, both antibiotics. One will take care of the respiratory problem, the other should knock out the pancreatitis and pneumonia. And taking care of the pancreatitis most likely will help with the loose stool problem.  When we got home, I gave him his first dose of both. Can we say "drool"?

And he has a strong heart.



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      Wednesday, January 11, 2017

11:57 AM - 01/11/2017

The topic: Rain rain rain rain

It's raining again. It will be raining tomorrow. And it just might rain on Saturday. Good thing I don't need to do laundry.

Anyway, I find this incredibly hard to believe, but Pete's breathing is already a lot better. He's much quieter.

There was some loose poo on the sofa this morning (I cover it in disposable pee pads at night for easy cleanup) . I don't know if that was Mystie or Pete. There was also some loose stool on the floor, once again, not sure who it belongs to.

Anyway, he ate probably a whole can of liver and chicken pate Fancy Feast this morning. Hungry boy. (He does not like it when I wipe his face when he's done, but I want to keep his nose clear.) 

I did see small, well formed poo in the laundry room litterbox that I believe may be his. This would be great!

He's only had 24 hours worth of meds so far, so, I don't know what to think. Unless one of those meds is an absolute killer med. I'm not complaining. At all. If he's more comfortable, that's what counts.

I also slept for about eleven hours from last night until this morning. I had no idea what a toll this was taking on me. Sleep is nice.


      Thursday, January 12, 2017

10:28 AM - 01/12/2017

The topic: I took a short video of Pete eating last night


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      Monday, January 16, 2017

11:43 AM - 01/16/2017

The topic: Pete is holding his own

He's gotten fightier (you know what I mean) when I give him his meds. So, that's good. His breathing doesn't sound as bad as it had, so that's good.

I can still hear him, though. He sneezed a little last night, the cutest thing in the world.

He has become quite selective in his choice of food.

Just say no to anything fishy. Except maybe human tuna. This is okay with me, because fish really isn't the best choice for kitty cats. (Back when Spot had his surgery, I was lectured on the crappiness of fish for cats.) And no turkey, he kind of eats it, but you can tell it's a chore for him.

We ran out of his favorites, so this morning headed over to Walmart to pick up more for him. Twelve cans of each. Fancy Feast. All classic flavors, all pate (the cats lick the gravy off of the chunk style, grilled, flaked or whatever they happen to call it and leave the rest). We bought him beef, chicken and liverr and chicken. And we got a dozen each of Gerber chicken baby food and beef baby food.

So, Pete's set for a while with food.

He gets to eat on the counter (which he can no longer reach by himself). Without other cats interfering (which is a lot of fun for me; I have to keep watch, but the other cats are finally starting to understand that get down means don't get up there in the first place. When we got back this morning I opened up a can of beef and he was all over it. He ate at least half of the can (he's a small cat, doesn't eat a lot like he used to). I know they say to heat the food up, but it seems like it's easier for him to eat when it's cold. More chunky and he can bite at it. And I fluff it up for him with a fork as he eats, so it's not all mashed down in the bowl.

I wish it would warm up so that he could go outside and sleep in the sun.  He loves the sun.


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      Wednesday, January 25, 2017

01:53 PM - 01/25/2017

The topic: Okay, pretty much caught up

With paperwork. 2015 files and invoices have been put into storage and 2016 moved to the drawers that previously housed 2015 paperwork.

And 2017 folders are in place.  All bank accounts have been reconciled through the end of last year. 

Our liability insurance didn't contact us when our old policy ran out and last week was spent working on the paperwork they needed.

This afternoon, I got the forms for the California Board of Equalization done (sales tax we collected for in state customers) and payment made.

We got the new washer and dryer last week, the old ones are gone. Nothing was done about installing the new ones until we got the kit for moving the vent on the dryer from the back to the side. It took Brian the better part of two days since we needed hoses for the water lines (washer has hot and cold, the dryer uses a hose for cold water for the steam option). And of course for the gas line to the dryer. And nothing went smoothly.

But Brian got it done and I'm incredibly pleased with how they both perform. And the timing was perfect because we've had a lot of rain in the last week. Today is the first moslty sunny day we've had. And it's too cold to hang out a load of laundry, it would never dry. My fingers are so cold that I can hardly type, but I can't see closing up the house and turning on the heat at this point.

Anyway, things are running pretty smoothly at this point. I would really like to straighten out my crafting paper. I ordered some storage bins, well, not really bins, plastic things you see on desks with slots for paper. I got them from Zulily for the best price around, but wasn't aware of how long they take to ship. It's been two weeks now and they just generated the shipping label today. I don't thinkl I'll buy from Zulily too often, this was my first time.  Amazon Prime has really spoiled me.

So, that's about it for this entry. Pretty damned exciting life I lead.


02:20 PM - 01/25/2017

The topic: Pete update

His breathing is back to normal. The URI and the pneumonia would seem to be resolved. But he still has some nasty diarrhea.

Taking care of the pancreatitis did not help it at all. As a matter of fact, it actually seems worse. At night, I have end to end disposable pads on the sofa because of his pooping.  During the day, he stays on one end, so I've got a pad under him there. I don't think he always knows he's going to go. I hear him fart and he's awake and looking at me. Except he's passed more than wind.

I clean him off and change out the pad. He doesn't like being cleaned off.

Anyway, I called the vet's office yesterday and she prescribed flagyl for him. I know I was concerned when Bernadette was given that, but she had a lot more going on that he does. And he has a strong heart. I started him on it last night.

His appetite has picked up (he's eaten over a can of food so far today) and he's sleeping a lot better than he had been. The last time he pooped was seven hours ago, so that's slowed down somewhat.

If this helps, it would be a really good thing. I hate cleaning up multiple piles of juicy cat poo in the morning. This morning there were four or five. And the thing is to see them before I step in them. Yeah, it's icky.

So, fingers crossed....

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      Monday, January 30, 2017

09:53 AM - 01/30/2017

The topic: Back from the vet

i just picked up more meds for Pete. This weekend, his breathing got bad again, so it would appear the pneumonia wasn't completely kicked.

And the metronidazole is almost gone. His poop is getting better, he has more control over it and it's firming up, haven't seen any brown watery poo in a couple of days, but it's still not firm, more like unset pudding. So, more metronidazole. And he's still on the FortiFlora.

His appetite has picked up, which is nice.

We're having some milder weather right now and that's a big plus because he likes to lay in the sun.

I want to medicate him right now this minute, but he's sleeping.

pete    diarrhea    catstuff   

      Tuesday, January 31, 2017

11:43 AM - 01/31/2017

The topic: Well, I’ll be damned

I saw Pete at the dry food feeder yesterday and Mystie in a litter box this morning.

Need to go outdoors and look for flying pigs.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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