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      Monday, June 03, 2013

01:31 PM - 06/03/2013

The topic: I was so excited

Last month to get notifications that my affiliate links were finally making me some money.  "Gee, my weblog entries aren't in vain, I'll have extra toonas to add to the cat fund!"

Well, I figured out yesterday that people aren't buying anything via my links. It was stuff I bought that generated that income. So, it didn't end up costing me as much, but it didn't make any money for the kitty cats.


Oh, well. I've still got catnip for sale.

08:31 PM - 06/03/2013

The topic: If you’ve tried

Ordering from my store, it's fixed now. There were a couple of huge problems, one kept the page from loading quickly and the other kept the checkout from working properly.

But it's working nicely now.


      Tuesday, June 04, 2013

10:45 AM - 06/04/2013

The topic: You know what makes my heart sing?

A nineteen year old kitty chasing a bird across the yard. That's one of the things that makes my heart sing.


click for a larger pic

click for a larger pic

click for a larger pic

Georgie remembered how much fun it was. He looked so happy.

      Tuesday, June 18, 2013

07:44 AM - 06/18/2013

The topic: A week ago today

We lost Angel. We got up as usual, went for our walk, had breakfast and I didn't see her.  She wasn't in her normal spot in the garage, but often when she's not there, she's under the sofa.

Brian took a shower, I was in the dining room and I heard something scratching over by the water fountain. I walked over and she was stretched out by the fountain and she couldn't get up. I got her out and she was cold, very cold. She cried, but she couldn't stand up.

I called my vet, they were booked, so I took her to the Animal Medical Center. They did triage on her, took x-rays and came into the exam room and told me she'd most likely had a pulmonary embolism. Same thing we lost Red and Lonee Gail to. The doctor said they could observe her for twenty-four hours, but she wasn't optimistic.

So, I said goodbye.

The past month I'd been climbing up on the bench with her at night and laying with her and smurgling her, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close. She loved it.

I'm glad I did that.

I miss her so much.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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