Well, the appraisal came in at $45,500.00. We were asking $60,000.00 which was $10,000.00 more than I had anticipated asking. Figure the thing was manufactured in 1970, well, it’s no spring chicken. Yeah, the spot it’s on is nice, but I don’t really want to go over there a couple of times a week to water and do maintenance on it. And I most definitely don’t want to be writing out a monthly check for $700.00 for something we can’t use.
We can’t rent it out, park policy.
The people who want to buy it, just don’t have the money to pay more. I counteroffered with $50,000.00 when he told me, but apparantly, they’re working on a shoestring. With the payment to the bank and the rent on it, they’ll be paying out about the same as they do now with rent.
Brian and I talked about it. I just want out. I want it gone, I don’t want to be sitting here in another six months, waiting for it to sell. An agent would cost us $5000.00 and then there’s the rent. Sure, maybe we could get sixty for it if we held out, but how long would that take? So far, we’re down over $4200.00 in rent.
Brian called the people up this morning to see if they could swing the fifty. Doesn’t look like it. So he told the guy “we’ll sell it to you for $45,500.00, the appraisal price”. We’ll still pay this month’s rent, which will give us time to get the remaining stuff out. But I’d like to hand over the keys by the middle of this month. The guy said he felt bad because it was worth the sixty to him. But we look at it like times are hard now and these are really nice people, I think my mom would approve. They like what she’s done with it, they don’t have big plans to renovate, maybe pull up the carpet and put down laminate and put up siding. They’ll do their own painting.
We would leave the furniture since they don’t have much and be done with it.
I don’t have any emotional attachment to the place, I didn’t grow up there, it was my mom’s party central, not mine. I don’t like being there, I don’t like the way it smells and I just want to be done with it and not have it hanging over my head any longer.
When I told Brian how I felt about the selling price, I was surprised that he agreed.
Now, let’s hope the financing goes through.