She’s still got some problems, but she also seems to be getting better in some ways. I do wish she’d eat more. Earlier this week I watched her poop and she wasn’t doing a very good job. When she got back up here on the desk, she was walking funny. I noticed that she still had some poop hanging from her tail/butt area. It wasn’t stuck hard so I just got a tissue and pulled them off of her. It was fairly dry, so I started giving her a little cat laxative yesterday. I didn’t give her much since she’s not eating much.
I did get her to nibble on some Felidae wet this morning, which was good. This is something that all of the cats can eat, so it’s not a big deal if I leave it out for her.
She’s been very, very needy the past couple of days. Last night and this morning, she wanted to have her back scratched and massaged for a long, long time. I hope this is because she’s feeling more like being affectionate, not because she’s hurting in some way.
Her skin is much less dry than it was weeks ago, the flakiness is going away. And I found a couple of scabs on her back, which might mean some kitty bit her. And if she was sore from that, I can understand why it’s hard for her to walk. I know of at least twice that I’ve chased some cat away from annoying her.
The fluids went badly on Sunday, but were much better yesterday. I don’t know why sometimes it’s so hard to administer them and others it’s like slicing butter with a hot knife, it’s that smooth.
She has the sweetest purr in the world.